A snapshot of your whole self

A snapshot of your whole self

A tool designed by Dr Mel Baker, Unchain your Wellbeing. The information helps us to measure improvements in wellbeing from attending the programs. We also make contact some periods after the program to see if participants are continuing with their healing.

It is important that you answer each question on how you feel today and what is most true for you.

Part A: Personal Information

My decade age is:(Required)
My learning style is:(Required)

Part B: Wellbeing PRE/POST assessment – select a response true of you today.

1. How much do you believe in yourself?(Required)
2. How aware are you of changes and challenges in your life?(Required)
3. How much have you developed as a person recently?(Required)
4. Do you have a sense of purpose and meaning with others?(Required)
5. Are you satisfied with the contribution you make in community?(Required)
6. Do you feel you can sustain yourself (and family) within the environment / culture you live in?(Required)
7. Is there a sense of balance, unity and harmony in your life?(Required)
8. Are you able to easily trust others?(Required)
9. Are you able to find hope in difficult situations?(Required)
10. Does your lifestyle reflect a healthy fit energetic person?(Required)
11. Do you have healthy sleeping habits, giving you a good nights rest?(Required)
12. Do you find it easy to express feelings/emotions so you are understood by others?(Required)
13. When things go wrong are you able to maneuver yourself through a difficult situation?(Required)
14. Are you motivated and open to learning?(Required)
15. How do you generally view your life?(Required)
16. Do you often feel affirmed by others?(Required)
17. Do you regularly participate in a present moment activity?(Required)
18. Do you feel a sense of belonging to a particular area in your life?(Required)
19. What is your attitude towards learned experiences and/or new skills?(Required)
20. Can you identify lifework that shapes you and are passionate about?(Required)
21. Are you able to support yourself and/or your family?(Required)
22. Do you regularly spend time outdoors?(Required)
23. Are you confident in expressing love to others?(Required)
24. Are you confident in expressing love to self?(Required)
25. Do you generally make decisions from an emotional state, rational state or a combination of both?(Required)
26. How accepting are you of your current circumstances?(Required)